The Story That Started it All
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Here is a nice black and white picture the band as we wait to be picked up by the short bus. Bryan sits in anticipation, hoping that today they will let us finger paint again in class. Barney however has more short term goals of squeezing that fart out as quietly as possible.

Behind the Music (if you can call it that)
Division623 consists of four members, Barnett-Bass and vocals, Richard-Guitar and backup vocals, Josh-guitar and backing vocals, and bryan-drums. These four young hooligans met at an AA meeting one saturday night and have been together playing music ever since. They seem to have a chemistry that one doesn't find often. Maybe it's the alchohol, or maybe they're just that damn good, but these four guys really seem to have something.

None of us really like dick..just our own
Im not gonna type anything of any real importance here...yeah.

our music...hehehe this link is hidden...hehehe (not really)


WARNING!!! Not all stories on this page are completely true