This is our page about nothin really...
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If you've come to this page, you've come to a dead end...the bowels of division 623.
These are funny stories about us...some are true, most are not, you be the judge. Maybe we'll have some sorta contest where if u can guess the real ones from the fake, we'll send u a free CD...maybe we'll do that, ill update this page if we decide to.

  Here's a little story about bryan... One day Bryan went to the doctor, and the doctr said to him "okay bryan you seem to be doing fine but i'll need a feces, urine and semen sample from you." And Bryan looks at the doctor and says, "Listen doc, im kinda in a hurry, can't i just leave you my underwear?"

Yeah that's bryan all right
  Barney says... If you feel a burning sensation, or even if your feelin jsut a little "not-so-fresh" see a doctor, it might not clear up as easy as you thought it would.

Yeah that's him
  Inside the head of Jeff: Why are you looking at my ass? Is there someting on my ass? Is there some kind of stain or something? cuz i'd kind of like to know if there was, is there? no? are you sure? okay thanks. Hey so why were you looking at my ass?

soooooooooo sad

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